Setting Up Pebble Geo

The Pebble Geo borehole log software is available in both web and desktop versions. This page explains how to get set up with both. If you only want to use the web version you can skip the sections on installing and activating desktop.

YouTube help videos are also available.

New Customer?

If you've just purchased a license we will be in touch shortly with further account information.

All licenses allow multiple users, so to add users you'll need to let us know who they are. Please email with the names and email addresses of the users you want added to your account.

Looking for a Free Trial?

If you're interested in a free trial, please go to this page instead of using the download option below.

Installing Pebble Geo Desktop

Use the link below to download the latest version of Pebble Geo Desktop.

Download Pebble Geo

The download is a ZIP file (110MB). Once downloaded, find the file in your downloads and use Right-Click > Extract all to unpack the installer.

Next, double-click on the unpacked '.exe' file to run the install wizard.

Once the install is complete you will find a shortcut to Pebble Geo on your desktop. You can also find the app via the Windows Start menu in the usual way.

Activating Pebble Geo Desktop (Including Trials)

If you are looking to start a free 14-day trial you can just launch Pebble Geo Desktop from the Start menu and click on the button labelled Begin 14-Day Trial within the software. The trial will begin instantly.

If you have a commercial license you will need to access your desktop activation key and then input this into Pebble Geo desktop. You can always find your desktop key by logging into your Pebble Geo web account and visiting this page:

Accessing Pebble Geo Web

You don't need to install anything to use the web version of Pebble Geo. Just head to the portal and log in:

If you've only just placed an order for Pebble Geo we will be in touch shortly with information on how to log into the web system.

If you've forgotten your account credentials, have trouble logging on, or if you want to add a new user to the account, please get in touch.